The Milan-based show, one of the world’s largest woodworking technology fairs, had originally due to be held in May but was postponed until November as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Postponing the exhibition to November 2020 – Primultini's letter states – seemed the best possible solution, but the efforts of our organization in recent months and the constant monitoring of all the conditions required to offer a successful exhibition have clearly shown that the situation in November will not be favourable, yet,” said Lorenzo Primultini, president of show organiser Acimall (Italian Woodworking Technology Association).
“With its global scope and more than one out of three exhibitors and visitors coming from abroad, Xylexpo has an international soul and vocation that would be seriously jeopardized by sanitary and economic conditions that are still unsolved in many world regions”.
The next Xylexpo will now take place in 2022, with the exhibition team already working to design a Xylexpo event that takes into account new ideas and recent changes to create a new and more modern “digital oriented” showcase, deploying a strategy that will be supported with proposals and initiatives in the coming months.