Around 60 delegates from around the world came to hear the conference theme of ‘Fast forward: how to shape the industry’s future’, reflecting growth driven by rapidly-expanding business in the furniture, building, and construction markets.

Hosted by AWA Alexander Watson Associates’ Fibreboard Industry Consultancy Services, the conference majored on end-user-driven innovation.

Maurice Wassen, business development manager, Fibreboard Industry Consultancy Services at AWA, was joined by fellow speakers from across the value chain, including fibreboard producer Sonae Arauco, MDF Recovery’s Craig Bartlett and Dr Rob Elias, of Bangor University, as well as Pöyry Management Consulting UK and IKEA.

Inter IKEA’s Regional Wood Supply and Forestry Manager Hendrikus Odendal delivered a headline briefing on board use in the furniture market.

Fibreboard’s participative agenda in the circular economy – a very positive feature of today’s industry – was also explored by speakers from both industry and academia.

Next year’s conference is scheduled for June 11-12, 2020 in Chicago.