Orders from abroad have increased significantly, up by 14.8%. Good results also for the Italian market were orders in Q4, 2016 increasing by 2.9%, a moderate result due to a widespread waiting attitude for the new Stability Act (public finance law) by the Italian government and a very favourable trend of domestic orders in Q4, 2015.
The survey also revealed that the orders book spans three months and that, since the beginning of 2016, prices have increased by 1.3%.
The quality survey for the period October-December 2016 indicates that 35% of the sample expects a positive trend of production in the following months, while 65% see a stationary situation.
Employment is considered stationary by 71% of the sample, increasing by 24% and decreasing by 5%. Available stocks are stationary according to 59%, increasing according to 6% and falling according to the remaining 35%.