Ms Donati was ABIPA’s director for almost 20 years after holding management posts for 10 years at Brazil’s machinery manufacturers association ABIMAQ and also at the foreign trade operators association ANTRADER.
While at ABIPA she fought tirelessly for the sector at central government level in Brasilia negotiating valuable tax concessions for Brazil’s panel makers. She helped to open up export markets abroad and was behind ABIPA’s recently established Quality Programme.
Ms Donati, 56, who battled cancer for almost two years, was a friend to WBPI and was widely admired in the industry and among government officials with whom she worked.
"Rosane will be remembered as a lovely, charming lady as well as being a staunch ally in the cause of industrialised panels in Brazil," commented industry consultant and Eucatex’s former export marketing manager Paulo Amanthea.
Rio de Janeiro-born Ms Donati leaves a son and daughter as well as a young granddaughter.