The formal adoption of the revised text in REDIII on October 9 follows the earlier adoption by the European Parliament in September.
As highlighted in Article 3(3), “Member States shall take measures to ensure that energy from biomass is produced in a way that minimises undue distortive effects on the biomass raw material market, with a view to ensuring that woody biomass is used according to its highest economic and environmental added value.”
The change effectively aligns with the EPF’s advocacy calls for at least 60% of Europe’s roundwood harvest to go to material use, to be cascaded through multiple cycles and ultimately incinerated for energy at end of material life.
The EPF also welcomed legislators’ decision not to give subsidies for the burning of industrial grade roundwood and to carry out a report by the European Commission on market distortions and the limitation of support schemes by 2027.
“By encouraging the cascading use of wood and these takeaways, the legislation supports a circular and resource efficient-oriented approach, which resonates with EPF’s longstanding commitment to optimal use, responsible and sustainable practices within the wood-based panels industry,” said EPF in a statement.