We are able to report on orders received by all three complete line suppliers, Dieffenbacher, Siempelkamp and Metso; in three regions of the world, Europe, America and Asia; and for the three composite panel types MDF, OSB and particleboard. Italian equipment supplier Pal is also able to report orders from around the world. You may already have heard of some of these orders, but I think good news is worth hearing again, especially at the end of a lack-lustre year for the industry.The panel makers are, I know, still finding the market very tough, but I am hearing that MDF prices have improved this year. Nobody is predicting great things for 2003 and until the German and US economies show real signs of recovery we can’t expect a significant upturn in those markets. But better times will come.
Particleboard and WBPI looking to the future
The second part of our second survey of the world particleboard industry does not show significant change from last year’s, but future activity in the Far East and South America will see significant new capacity built – indeed those projects are the source of some of the machinery orders mentioned earlier. This second edition of the survey has enabled us, with the assistance of many of our readers, to correct last year’s lists and to expand our knowledge. Please continue to help us in refining the data by logging on to the dedicated website www.intermark.plus.com or emailing me at the magazine, or John Wadsworth at inter.mark@virgin.net.
Meanwhile, WBPI stands on the threshold of an exciting new era. You cannot fail (I hope!) to notice that we have added value to the magazine with our brand new website www.wbpionline.com, which will be ‘live’ by the time you read this issue. It offers archived copies of the magazine as well as the latest news and information. If you have a good story to tell, you need not wait for the next printed issue of the magazine. Simply email me and we can consider putting it straight on the website.
Finally, may I wish everyone a very happy Christmas and, particularly as we face a tense situation in Iraq, a fervent wish for a peaceful 2003. And may it be unmarred by any more mindless terrorist atrocities by misguided fanatics.