The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Boiler Maximum Achievable Control Technology (Boiler MACT) rule could create serious disincentives for the use of renewable energy and be unsustainable for the forest product industry and the nearly 900,000 men and women it supports.

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) and the American Wood Council (AWC) have offered a statement at an EPA hearing in Arlington, Virginia recommending ways to protect both public health and jobs.

“If EPA were to provide more flexible approaches in the Boiler MACT rule, it could protect the environment and public health while preventing severe job losses and billions of dollars in unnecessary regulatory costs,said Tim Hunt, representing AF&PA and AWC at the EPA hearing.

“Boiler MACT could cost the forest products industry alone over US$6bn in capital expenditures and hundreds of millions more in annual costs unless significant changes are made,he said.