Huber Engineered Woods (HEW) executives have met with Emanuel County, Georgia, officials to discuss plans for the OSB mill the company first announced plans to build more than three years ago.
Huber officials recently met with
representatives of the Chamber and with the Swainsboro/Emanuel County Joint Development Authorities.
HEW confirmed its selection of Emanuel County as the location for its new OSB facility in May 2006, after announcing in March 2005 it planned to build a mill in either South Carolina or Georgia.
The new plant was originally slated for start-up in 2008, with an annual production capacity of more than 650 million ft2/year once fully operational. It would also create up to 150 new jobs.
Following the Chamber of Commerce meeting, Andy Riley, president of the Joint Development Authorities, said in a statement: “Huber Engineered Woods Inc continues to be committed to plans to construct an Oriented Strand Board plant here in Emanuel County. With conditions in the housing market in a state of decline, the project continues to be delayed, which is understandable”.