MDF Recovery Ltd, Macclesfield, UK reports that its process for recovering wood fibre from MDF has been granted UK patent approval.
The MDF recycling technology exploits a technique known as ohmic heating, commonly used in large-scale food manufacturing, which heats the MDF to break down the resins that bind it together.
The resultant wood fibre is of the same quality as virgin wood fibre. The company’s patented process is designed to cost-effectively recycle tonnes of MDF on a continuous basis.
C-Tech Innovation, a contract research and engineering firm, helped MDFR to develop the technology at its laboratories near Chester, using financial support from North West Development Agency grants.
Having proven the concept, MDF Recovery is seeking funding to design and build a demonstration facility. It then intends to protect its invention and role out its business in territories around the world including Europe, Asia and South America, all of which are heavy users of MDF.